Why I'm Running - Wagner for House
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Why I’m Running

Why I’m Running

After discussing this at length with my family, friends, and work colleagues, I have decided to seek the Republican nomination for Oklahoma House of Representatives, District 18. I have decided to run because I look around and see my community without a strong voice in Oklahoma City. The people of this district, the people of southeastern Oklahoma are being left behind. As our state grows, we continue to shrink in population and economic success.


The people of this district are a proud people that deserve a strong voice in the state legislature. I want to be that voice. I want to make sure that as Oklahoma grows, so do the communities that make up District 18.


As the father of a child with disabilities, I want to see schools get the funding they need, for all children, especially those most in need of services. Insurance companies should be required to cover all surgeries, therapies, and medication costs for children if it can be determined that at least two medical specialists agree on the course of treatment. This would include situations where a certain treatment may still be experimental.


We have brilliant doctors and health professionals in Oklahoma, and we can become an example to the rest of the country by protecting those that are most vulnerable. Early intervention has proven to be the greatest asset in virtually all fights against childhood disease and disabling conditions, and insurance companies should never be an impediment.


I believe strongly in criminal justice reform. Oklahoma is taking some great steps toward a future where we are not leading the world in incarceration, and that’s a good thing. However, there are more steps to take including keeping the promise of SQ781 and breaking ground on facilities to care for and heal those plagued by addiction. There are so many other small things we can do as a state to make our criminal justice system a top-10 system. We can review how bonds are set and work toward a more uniform system that doesn’t vary from county to county and judge to judge so dramatically. We need to push these reforms and I believe that with my background I can bring a voice of knowledge and experience that is lacking with our current representation.


I am pro-life. I believe strongly in protecting ALL of our Constitutional Rights, both federal and state. I am a critical thinker, as well as an independent one. I will not sacrifice the needs of the people that send me to the legislature to make friends and advance in politics. I want to go to Oklahoma City for the people of District 18, not because I’m interested in a new career path. I love my job, and as a small business owner this campaign will be trying and difficult, but I believe it is necessary. I am thankful for the support my business family has shown me in the endeavor.


I am going to do something very different and invite you all to join me on this journey. Out of respect for these difficult times and the requests our Governor and President have made of us citizens, I will not be stopping by your door to chase hands and chat soon, however, I will be launching my campaign via social media. I have chosen first to use the platform of Facebook and ask all of you to like and follow me at “Wagner for OK House.” I will go live tomorrow. I will answer questions and talk about my vision for our Oklahoma after this virus has passed and we set our sights on being a top-10 state in all the best ways.

Brecken A. Wagner

Republican Candidate

OK House District 18